Do-it-yourself foundation repair step by step. Capital and "cosmetic" repair of the foundation on their own

A strip (continuous) foundation is a base that runs under the entire perimeter of the walls and consists of precast concrete blocks, monolithic reinforced concrete, concrete, brick or rubble concrete. By itself, it has a fairly long service life, sometimes reaching 50 years or more. First of all, it depends on the high strength and solidity of the structure. However, the adverse impact of external factors can lead to a significant decrease in the strength parameters or to its partial destruction. In such a case, it is worth repairing the tape base.

Scheme of samples

Causes of destruction

First of all, it is required to determine the causal relationships of integrity violations in general and its foundations in particular.

Possible causes of deformation and cracking can be:

Device diagram

  • excessive moisture caused by excessive precipitation and, as a result, soil overvoltage;
  • insufficient bookmark depth;
  • heterogeneity of the structure of the bearing or underlying soil layer of the base;
  • insufficient resistance to the friction force caused by clay soils highly moistened with water, as a result of which the axis shifts along with the structure;
  • destruction of the masonry mortar due to the impact of aggressive or underground waters of sanitary communications;
  • penetration into the base of surface water due to the absence or violation of the integrity of the blind area;
  • excessive load and insufficient penetration into the ground;
  • freezing of the base caused by poor deepening during construction work and improper cutting of the soil near the house;
  • blockage or disturbance of the drainage system, which causes an excessive rise in the level of groundwater and softening of the soil layer;
  • change in permissible loads when adding additional parts of the building.

The failure of the foundation is determined by the presence of cracks on the main walls of the house.

As a rule, they are in places of partitions and their adjoining to walls.

Process features

Scheme of the strip foundation.

Before starting any repair work, you should find out the moment of the complete end of uneven shrinkage.

To do this, control beacons (plaster overlays) are installed across the detected crack. They are firmly fixed on both sides of the crack on the bearing parts of the wall (with the calculation of 1 beacon per 2-3 mm crack). Lighthouses are made from gypsum mortar (width - up to 8 cm, length - up to 5 cm, length - up to 30 cm) and stacked on well-cleaned places.

After 3 weeks, in the absence of changes in the beacons, the process of crack formation can be considered completed. When destroying beacons, one should find out the level of intensity of uneven precipitation. In this case, along with the beacons, a special lever device is installed on the cracks, showing the size of the draft in millimeters.

After determining the nature of the damage and the causes of cracks, it is necessary to choose the main method of strengthening it, on the basis of which further repairs will be carried out.

Subtleties of repair

The repair of the strip base is divided into several stages, and subsequently, after all the work has been carried out, it should not harm the overall structure of the building:

Device diagram

  1. Thorough cleaning of all surfaces of the strip foundation around the entire perimeter from dirt and old plaster. First of all, the basement is freed from the ground at a sufficient distance for repair work.
  2. At this stage, the repair will require a certain set of tools, namely a jack, poles with a diameter of 11-18 cm, plank pads 50-60 mm wide and 50-80 cm long (they can be replaced with bars of the same length, but 80-120 mm thick ) and temporary chocks for installation under the lower foundations (crowns) of the house.
  3. Then, stepping back from the main building by 1-1.2 m, one should proceed to dismantling the destroyed area and, on a special gasket, install a jack under the lower crown of the house.
  4. After determining the level of the position of the lower crown, a chock or a piece of timber is installed next to the jack for its subsequent release. A similar operation is performed at the corners, at the points of intersection and destruction.
  5. Repair with a tape principle of addition at the replacement stage will require the preparation of the following tools: picks, wedges, sledgehammers (or axes), scrap steel and bolts.
  6. Bricks can be dismantled manually using a crowbar or a pickaxe, striking horizontal seams from top to bottom.
  7. When made from cement mortar, wedges are used, hammered with a sledgehammer or an ax into horizontal or vertical masonry joints;
  8. In a similar way, work is carried out when dismantling rubble.

Pile foundation scheme.

Having completed the repair and partial reconstruction of the cracked base of the strip foundation, they begin to form horizontal waterproofing, which can be performed by partially cutting the wall. The base is carefully dug out in short sections to its sole, after which it is cut, and a waterproofing material is laid in the resulting gap. Horizontal waterproofing is also mounted at the junction with the walls. In addition, various water drainage systems (drainage) are being built.

Waterproofing methods

There are two main types of horizontal waterproofing:

Scheme of pile and slab foundations.

  1. The first method is based on the use of roofing material (rolls of polymer-bitumen waterproofing), which is placed in the bottom and poured with concrete. To create greater strength and reliability, sheets of roofing material are coated with hot resin.
  2. The second method is more effective than the first, and consists in the use of specialized waterproofing materials, for example, such as penetron. It is a special mixture that penetrates deep into concrete, making it waterproof.

For easy and quick waterproofing work, specially made sprayers can be used, with which the waterproofing layer is applied directly to the foundation.

Due to its structure, sprayed waterproofing repeats all the irregularities of the foundation surface. Subsequently, a reinforcing layer of geotextile material is applied to help the waterproofing perform its protective functions.

After completion of the waterproofing work, the damp walls are dried and vertical waterproofing is performed.

The scheme of the slab foundation.

Repair of vertical waterproofing involves a similar laying of waterproofing materials, for which a properly prepared base and preliminary drying of the areas remain important conditions to obtain the maximum effect of the work being done.

Modern methods of draining basement walls that do not require preliminary digging include the method of penetrating waterproofing using special substances that can penetrate inside the wall and crystallize in microcracks. This will prevent excessive water filtration.

Load calculation scheme

Finally, you can start pouring the new structure with concrete mortar. The best option would be to use factory-made concrete, since this mixture will be of higher quality.

Repair of the strip basement can also be done by strengthening the old one. Typically, this method is used when the building base is skewed as a result of the difference in pressure exerted on different sections.

What tools to use? Mainly:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • trowel;
  • concrete mixer;
  • perforator;
  • capacity;
  • putty knife;
  • brush and others, the need for which arises in the process of work.

Balancing the forces of impact

It is carried out by increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits base according to a certain scheme:

  • digging a trench near the house along the base;
  • preparation of the old for docking with the new by drilling holes for strobes and fittings;
  • the formwork of the new foundation is being carried out;
  • the prepared reinforcing cage is connected to the fittings inserted into the house;
  • everything is poured with concrete mortar;
  • after the mortar dries, the foundation is buried.

In case of violation of the rules for laying a part during the construction of a house, which led to its subsequent deformation, it may be necessary to further expand and deepen the basement.

In this case, the repair will consist of expanding one or more sides of the house with a solution of concrete or reinforced concrete. It is not recommended to expand the foundation with bricks due to its hygroscopic properties. First of all, the areas most loaded with masonry (corners, interwindow supports) are subject to replacement.

Expansion repair is based on digging special nests for a good bond between the old part of the base and the new one.

In total, it is possible to determine that repairs are necessary even at the slightest manifestation of various cracks on its surface. Their danger, as a rule, lies in the ingress of water through them, which, freezing in the winter and then thawing, causes further destruction of the base of the strip foundation around the entire perimeter of the house.

Repair of the strip foundation is best done in the spring and summer, starting around May and ending in November, provided that the autumn weather is sufficiently dry.

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No matter how solid the structure is, due to the influence of pressure and precipitation on it, over time, the foundation collapses or settles. However, each owner of a private house can independently repair or reconstruct the foundation.

Features of foundation repair depending on the problem

The service life of the base of the house directly depends on the quality of its installation and the materials that were used for this.

Foundation survey

When a crack appears, it is necessary to determine whether it is increasing. For this, so-called markers are installed. In order to check whether the crack is progressing, it is necessary to stick paper tape across it and leave it for 10 days. If the tape remains intact, then the crack can be filled with fragments of bricks, and then concreted. If it became clear that the development of the crack is progressing, then it is necessary to come to grips with the repair of the foundation or its replacement in the case when reconstruction is impossible.

As a beacon, you can use both a gypsum mortar and a ready-made mixture for plaster. The composition should not be plastic after hardening, it should be as fragile as possible and subject to mechanical damage. After preparing the mixture, it must be applied to the crack with a layer of 3–5 mm, 100–120 mm long. You need to apply across the crack, and in such a way that it is approximately in the middle of the marker.

For greater accuracy of the result, there should be at least two markers on the foundation crack.

There is another way to examine the foundation. Although it is more time-consuming, but more informative. The method is to prepare the pits. A pit is a hole, the depth of which coincides with the height of the foundation. The length of each pit (there must be at least two of them) is 100 cm. The width is selected strictly individually. After the pit is dug out, it is recommended to strengthen its walls with unedged boards. This measure is necessary to prevent the collapse of the earth.

The size of the pit depends on the height of the foundation and the size of the person who will carry out the work.

It is recommended to make holes only in problem areas. This will allow access to the foundation walls and determine the quality of the installation, the materials used, and also provide information on the depth of the groundwater (they can be checked for acidity or alkalinity).

This method allows you to start repair work almost immediately.

Possible causes of destruction

At the moment, there are three main reasons that provoke the destruction of the foundation of varying degrees:

  • human activity;
  • shortcomings in the process of work, careless attitude to installation, violation of technology, use of cheap low-quality materials;
  • the influence of external natural factors (rain, frequent temperature changes, groundwater rise).

Most often, it is water that becomes the main cause of the collapse of the foundation of the house. Groundwater or tap water can enter the soil under the building, while in winter they freeze, increase in volume, and in the warm period cause the destruction of the foundation of the house.

The reason for the destruction of the foundation may be groundwater or a change in load

Similar processes occur during seasonal heaving of the soil. It also happens that the foundation as a result of this rises by more than 10 cm. However, the most serious problem for the foundation of any house is subsidence.

Signs of destruction

Each owner of the house can independently determine that the foundation of his house begins to collapse. Cracks or depressions appear. But remember that not every crack that appears when the foundation shrinks is a sign of destruction. Sometimes only cosmetic repairs are enough to solve the problem.

Signs of destruction can be obvious and hidden. Among the main ones are:

  • thin cracks that can appear not only on the plinth, but also on the walls;
  • violations of the external or internal decoration in the area of ​​destruction;
  • visible deformations of the flooring, possible failures;
  • collapse of the building, which at the first stage of the destruction of the foundation can be only partial;
  • deformation of individual sections of the foundation;
  • soil failures next to the damaged foundation.

To identify hidden signs of destruction, it is necessary to conduct a special survey, for which it is better to invite specialists with equipment.

DIY repair: step by step instructions

The reconstruction process depends on the cause of the problem as well as the nature of the problem itself.

Cracked foundation

In order to choose the best option for strengthening a cracked foundation, it is recommended to determine the nature of the destruction.

If a crack appears along the entire perimeter of the base and its cause is increased soil moisture or a change in the external load, the repair process should proceed as follows:

  1. Dig a trench around the house along all the walls.
  2. Clean the surface of the foundation from old plaster, dirt.
  3. Install a metal grate at some distance from the foundation. To do this, it is recommended to use metal anchors, which must be driven into the plinth and base.
  4. Concrete this structure, carefully tamping the solution.

If the foundation was made of rubble, monolithic concrete, soil concrete, then reinforced concrete reinforced clip is used for reinforcement. Its anchors must be connected to the old base. This will reduce the load a little.

A problematic crack is one that grows in size.

If weak areas are found, the bearing capacity of the base must be increased. This can be done by laying a new foundation along the old foundation and connecting them with anchors.

sunk foundation

This problem usually occurs in owners of brick houses with a similar foundation. It is recommended that a crack progression survey be carried out before any repairs are carried out. If the result is positive, then the repair is carried out as follows:

Similarly, it is possible to repair a monolithic foundation. True, this will require more effort.

Foundation problems after winter

After thawing, especially if the winter was snowy, cracks and other deformations may appear. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a thorough study of the foundation, to determine whether the cracks are superficial or deep, which caused such destruction. In most cases, a drainage system will be required. It can be drainage pipes, storm drains, wells.

After winter, the foundation may collapse if it is saturated with moisture and freezes in autumn.

You can independently perform a blind area device. In particular, it is necessary to expand it, provide a larger angle of inclination, while using a heat-insulating material, ideally extruded polystyrene foam. Remember that the ingress of moisture on the blind area is detrimental to the foundation itself, as it leads to its moistening. Therefore, it is recommended to ensure that all moisture is discharged into the storm sewer.

If there are problems with the foundation after the winter, you can use the shotcrete method to strengthen the foundation:

Foundation deformed

It may happen that the foundation is deformed or bursts. You can fix this situation yourself:

Reinforcement can also be used for reconstruction

There are two ways to reconstruct the foundation if it has begun to crumble. The first is associated with a complete replacement of the base. However, they do it in parts, and special attention is paid to the corners and areas under the windows, because these are the weakest sections of the foundation. Ideal for this type of reconstruction is the so-called method of gradual casting from reinforced concrete. In this case, reinforcement binding is mandatory.

The second method of reconstruction is the use of clips. In advance, you need to take care of the availability of the following materials:

  • primer;
  • anchors;
  • fittings;
  • clips;
  • cement-sand mortar (you can take ready-made or prepare it yourself).

If the foundation is crumbling, it may need to be completely replaced.

The principle of this method is to strengthen the base of the house by using concrete or reinforced concrete clips in order to protect against further destruction. In this case, everything must be done as carefully as possible, since such a design is quite fragile. This method is especially relevant for the reconstruction of the foundation of a brick house. When performing work, the following instructions must be observed:

Don't forget about waterproofing. Otherwise, the building may be destroyed again.

House foundation repair

The issue of reconstructing the foundation of a private house is especially relevant, since this design is much more solid than outbuildings, which means that it is necessary to approach the issue of repair more responsibly.

Foundation replacement

The replacement of the base is carried out when its bearing capacity has decreased. Also, such an extreme measure is used when it is necessary to increase the life of the structure.

Hydraulic jacks are usually used to replace the foundation. The preparatory stage consists in the selection of the necessary tools and materials:

  • jacks (they can be rented);
  • steel scrap;
  • wedges;
  • sledgehammers;
  • chocks or bricks as supports;
  • 5 cm thick steel plate as the base for the jack.

The replacement process itself consists of several stages:

You can only raise the house at a time by 2 cm

How to level the foundation

The columnar foundation has one common problem - the pillars begin to squint. This happens, as a rule, due to excessive heaving of the soil or a violation of the installation technology. The main method of repair is the replacement of old supports with new ones. It will not be possible to return the old supports to their previous state.

The main problem of the columnar foundation - the pillars begin to squint

The repair process goes like this:

Video: repair of a columnar foundation

Brick foundation repair

Before proceeding directly to the repair, it is necessary to clean the foundation from the plaster. This will allow you to assess the severity of the damage, as well as the possibility of reconstruction with your own hands. If the damage is quite serious, then:

  1. It is necessary to dig a trench, and then fix the metal mesh with anchors.
  2. Next, mount the formwork and pour the concrete solution. The formwork can only be removed when the concrete has hardened thoroughly.
  3. After that, the trench can be filled up, tamping the ground well.

If the damage to the brick base is minor, then the repair consists in replacing the damaged areas and restoring the blind area. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the old and new sections of the foundation are connected.

Additionally, it may be necessary to install a reinforced concrete clip, which, in turn, is attached to the support with through anchors.

Video: repairing the foundation of a brick house

Screw foundation repair

As such, the repair of the screw base is not carried out. If there are any problems with it, the piles are replaced. They do it according to a certain plan:

How to strengthen the foundation

There are several ways to strengthen the foundation. The most popular is the laying of a new foundation along the old one. You can do this work yourself:

Repair of the foundation of a wooden house

There are some features of repairing the foundation of a wooden house (or bath). It is this part of the building that is the most vulnerable. The whole process takes place in several stages:

During repair work, safety measures must be observed. First of all, it is strictly forbidden to climb under a raised structure, no matter how strongly you are convinced of the reliability of the jacks. It is also not recommended to leave the structure to stand only on jacks, it is better to install additional supports.

Video: how to replace a crumbling foundation under a wooden house

During the operation of the building, over time, not only the walls of the house begin to collapse, but also the foundation on which it stands. To maximize the life of the building, it is necessary to carry out major repairs and eliminate all damage. Repairing the foundation of a house with your own hands allows you to carry out the work with the highest quality and save money. The types of repair work and the causes of damage to the structure of the house depend on various factors. Let's consider them in more detail.

Signs of destruction of the foundation

To assess the severity of the required repairs to the building, you need to examine its damage. There are many reasons to renovate the facade of a house:

  1. The appearance of distortions in the doorway or windows, which lead to the inconvenience of closing / opening the door and window sashes, indicates that part of the foundation has sunk into the ground.
  2. An increase in previously formed and the appearance of new cracks on the walls of the building.
  3. Annual flooding of the basement (basement) with melt water in the spring.
  4. The formation of destruction on the surface of the walls.
  5. A sharp change in the position of the walls of the house and stairs.

However, not always the listed items may indicate the need for a thorough repair. In some cases, cracks appear due to the shift of the base, which may occur due to the construction of a structure near the house.

Before you raise a panic and start repairing the foundation of a country house, it is recommended to observe the cracks: how much and how often they diverge. For observation, you can use tissue paper or a regular napkin, on which you need to write down the date the “beacon” was placed and stick it on the crack. In the event of an increase in education, the paper will tear and the faster this happens, the faster it will need to be repaired.

Reasons for the repair

What can cause the foundation of a house to collapse? We list the following reasons:

Types of repair work

Currently, there are various ways to reconstruct the basement or strengthen it. Since various materials are used for the construction of houses: wood, brick, concrete goods, etc., the repair of the foundation of the house with your own hands will be carried out according to a certain method.

Most often, during the construction of buildings, a strip foundation is laid. If we consider it more voluminously, then it looks like an integral structure, in some areas of which it is unacceptable to exceed construction loads. Heaving soil can deform the foundation of such a structure, therefore, before laying the foundation of the house, you need to carefully study the soil and the depth of its freezing.

To repair the foundation of a wooden house, the house will need to be completely raised and only after raising the foundation of the building to be laid. However, this method of reconstruction is only suitable for wooden buildings.

If the structure tilted due to sagging soil, then as a result of the repair, it is necessary to balance the impact force by increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure. The beginning of the repair should be carried out where the highest level of roll is found. Repair instructions:

  • It is necessary to mark a two-meter section of the structure and dig a trench near it. Its depth (one meter) must exceed the lowest point of the damaged part;
  • The part of the base that has opened from the ground must be cleaned of adhering dirt, plaster and other layers;
  • The cleaned surface of the wall must be treated with a primer designed for deep penetration;
  • On the damaged wall, holes are prepared into which the anchors are screwed. The minimum number of vertical rows is 3, horizontally the space between the elements should be 60-120 cm;
  • A reinforcing mesh welded from metal rods is welded to the anchors. Their diameter should not exceed 10-14 mm;
  • In all formations resulting from the destruction, a liquid solution of the concrete mixture is poured;
  • If the resulting damage has a wide area, in this case it is necessary to install formwork that is filled with concrete;
  • Some time after the solution dries, a layer of waterproofing is attached to it;
  • The trench is compacted with layers of soil, and each layer must be compacted.

When repairing the structure of a wooden building, it is supposed to raise the houses, in all other cases, concrete mortar is poured or the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure is increased. It all depends on the degree of damage and the cause of its formation. It is recommended to periodically check the condition of the structure for integrity, which will avoid severe damage to the surface of the walls.

Surgical intervention in reconstruction

If an urgent repair of the columnar foundation of a country house is required, then it is necessary to resort to the following actions:

  • Free the damaged area of ​​the wall from the soil;
  • To the very foundation, dig a hole (the angle should not be less than 35 degrees) and pump the liquid concrete mixture using a pipe (made of metal or asbestos). It is poured until the canvas stops absorbing it. After 1-2 hours, the procedure must be repeated and done several more times in 1-2 days;
  • Paper beacons are installed on the crack (they were described at the very beginning of the article), if the paper breaks, then the subsidence of the building continues further and in this situation circular concreting of the base will be required;
  • If the beacon remains unchanged, then the structure can be covered with soil and compacted.

Repair of the foundation of a brick house is impossible without the initial installation of paper beacons, which will help determine the rate of increase in the cracks formed.

In general, foundation repair should be carried out once every few years and repair work should be carried out in accordance with the planned procedure. A country or private (country) house will have to be repaired on its own or seek help from a team of builders who, for a certain fee, will carry out all the necessary repairs. Unfortunately, in this case it is impossible to talk about the high quality of the work performed and a good result. As they say, "time will tell".

Nevertheless, it is very difficult to repair the base of the building with your own hands. This procedure requires certain knowledge and skills. Moreover, it does not matter which base is to be repaired: tape, columnar, reinforced concrete slabs, reinforced, wooden, etc.

Waterproofing restoration

The easiest way to waterproofing is to introduce an injection solution. It is poured through certain holes, which are prepared in advance in the concrete surface of the wall. In this way, moisture from the soil can be prevented.

Wall waterproofing is necessary both at the construction stage of the building and in the case of structural repairs. The fact is that it is designed to protect the facade and structure from damage by groundwater, which will subsequently lead to a reduction in the service life of the structure and the destruction of the building.

In some cases, in order to prevent the structure from settling, it is necessary to lay out a new part of it. Thus, part of the load will be transferred to the added area using metal or reinforced concrete beams. They will pass through the basement of the building. The laid out foundation must be anchored, as a result of which through fastenings will be made.

When carrying out repairs, you need to calculate every action that you want to take. The fact is that often the result of the procedures performed remains unchanged or, conversely, worsens the situation. In such a situation, it may be necessary to change the structure itself, which in turn can lead to the reconstruction of walls, ceilings and other building structures.

If you cannot independently determine the necessary list of works, contact a specialist. A professional person at a glance can determine the entire range of work that is necessary to completely restore the foundation and extend the life of a particular building. After receiving a full consultation, you can carry out further repairs yourself. Accordingly, the responsibility for the work and its consequences will be assigned to you.

Do you need to repair the foundation of a wooden or brick house? Your attention to the useful tips of the masters on how to do this not only efficiently and quickly, but with minimal damage to your budget!

Why the house starts to move - the main reasons

If your house begins to “leave” a little somewhere, this is not a reason to curse the foreman or builders who poured the foundation for you or put the house on it. There are a large number of reasons why concrete can crack, and the entire structure can sag a few centimeters or more. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. Violation of the integrity of the blind area. This can happen as a result of mechanical impact (for example, during the construction of sewerage with punching holes in the base), as well as with the constant ingress of moisture directly under the concrete base. The soil becomes soft, begins to go down.
  2. Heterogeneous soil composition and incorrect geodetic analysis.
  3. Exceeding the maximum load that could be applied to the soil in this place.
  4. The rise of groundwater, as a result of which the soil loses its density.

There is also a human factor, for example, the wrong ratio of cement, crushed stone and sand or lack of reinforcement. An important role is played by the depth of pouring concrete, if it is insufficient for the weight of the structure, the concrete will crack under the weight, mainly at the corners of the building.

Repair of the foundation under the log house and how to do it

If the "backbone" under the log house ordered to live for a long time, it can be easily restored or even replaced - at will. There are several ways to repair the foundation of an old wooden house, the main of which we will now consider.

  1. Complete replacement of the original. Making it is much easier than it might seem at first glance. The weight of a 4x4 pine log house will be only 3 tons (approximately 3300 kg, if we take a dry log and a standard project with a gable roof), that is, you can lift it and rearrange it without any supernatural devices. You need 2 jacks, 2 channels along which you will move it. It is advisable to fill in a deep foundation next to it, but 15-20 lower with a plinth than the old one, so that the house could be moved a little at an angle. We raise the structure, put a channel (or pipe), gradually shift it to a new foundation and fix it - the repair is over.
  2. If you need to work under a heavier wooden frame or there is no free space for its movement, the house is raised. 2 holes are punched in the old foundation immediately under the frame for a square or a solid channel. On the sides of the formed beam, 2 jacks are placed, the house rises by 15-20 centimeters, supports are placed, then the same on the other side. Formwork is exposed on both sides, concrete is poured or the old base is completely destroyed and a new one is poured.
  3. Partial repair of the foundation of a wooden house with subsequent reinforcement. In some cases, it breaks in only one place, most often at the corner. In this case, you need to raise the corner, make the jointing with reinforcement (M10 or M12), pour new concrete over the level. Put in place after 3 weeks, when the structure dries and gains the desired strength.

These were the simplest methods of partial or complete restoration of a concrete base under a wooden frame. They are not effective if the first wooden beam is of dubious quality (rotten or undermined by a pest), then you need to make a bunch with the upper logs using wooden slats. You can not lower the log house on a foundation that is not sufficiently hardened, so the repair process will take at least 3 weeks.

Repair of the foundation of a brick house and features of the process

It will be much more difficult to repair such a structure than a log house, since the weight of the building is tens of tons, it will not be possible to lift it, especially without cracks. Repair of the foundation of an old brick house is carried out in several stages, we will consider them in more detail.

  1. Digging a trench around the old foundation on both sides. You can’t dig through it and get to the very bottom - this can weaken the previously destroyed concrete, the structure will further crack or partially fall. If you have poured concrete to a depth of 150 centimeters, you need to dig a furrow of 110-120 centimeters.
  2. Installation of a reinforcing belt and drilling for reinforcement. It is necessary to make a grid with a cell of 40x40 centimeters, drill a hole in each corner of the cell with an M 12 drill for M12 reinforcement. Weld the reinforcing mesh.
  3. Fill the entire trench (at least 20 cm on each side) with high-quality concrete with M500 cement, ratio 1:3 with sand. Let dry (8-10 weeks). After that, you can finish building the house or perform any other manipulations, it will be perfectly fortified.

In a similar way, it is possible to carry out partial repairs of the foundations of country houses, only instead of working on the entire perimeter, only the damaged area is taken, most often this is the corner of the structure. Then it is dug up from two sides, embroidered with reinforcement, concrete is poured.

The strip foundation today is one of the most durable types of foundations; buildings erected on it can last more than 50 years. Nevertheless, even the strongest structures are gradually destroyed. Our company provides professional work on the repair of strip foundations. We have hundreds of successfully completed repairs behind us, all our employees are highly qualified. We guarantee you affordable prices, strict adherence to deadlines and high quality results.

We will perform high-quality and fast repair of the strip foundation if:

  • cracks were found in it;
  • there is a shedding of the foundation;
  • plinth “looks like plasticine”;
  • there is an indefinite technology of raising the foundation and other shortcomings.

Features of the repair of the strip foundation

Strip foundations can have a different design: monolithic, prefabricated options. Installation of prefabricated structures is carried out by means of a crane from reinforced concrete factory blocks. The monolithic foundation is made directly at the construction site. From the point of view of the magnitude of the load, the strip foundation can be shallow and deep.

During the repair work, our employees take into account the individual characteristics of strip foundations, determine and eliminate the cause that caused the destruction.

An example of repairing a strip foundation

Repair of the strip foundation is its strengthening.

  • A trench is dug around the perimeter of the house, the old foundation becomes the inner wall for it. The depth of the trench is always greater than the depth of the old foundation.
  • The freed part of the strip foundation gets rid of soil residues. By means of a chisel or perforator, notches are applied that increase the quality of adhesion of the new concrete solution to the hardened concrete.
  • By means of a perforator, a hole is made in the old foundation, thick metal reinforcement is inserted into them for reliable adhesion of the old foundation and the fresh layer.
  • A pillow of sand or gravel is lowered to the bottom of the trench, carefully compacted.
  • One-sided formwork is erected from the outside of the trench.
  • The reinforcing structure is mounted, poured with concrete mortar and compacted using a deep vibrator.
  • Similarly, the next part of the foundation is repaired.

Mistakes made at one of the stages of complex work requiring special skills can have a detrimental effect on the result. In order to avoid them, contact the relevant specialists.

Price for the repair of the strip foundation:

House size Price
6x6 80 000 – 130 000
6x9 120 000 – 160 000
9x9 from 180 000

Examples of fish for the repair of a strip foundation:

Area: Moscow region, Pavlovo-Posad district
Season: summer
Soil type: sand
Foundation type: on blocks (*error builders)
Number of piles: 18 pieces (BC-108-3000mm) *mounting mini excavator Comatsu PC-55
Deadlines: 6 days
Nuances: added an outbuilding and a porch. Porch foundation repair.